Day 29, Matthew 11

Matthew 11

As we moved forward from the summary of Jesus’ teaching in the sermon on the mount, we said we would see how Jesus’ ministry would change as He entered a new season. Now He is a well-known teacher, celebrated by the general population for His miracles and authority yet reviled by the elites (both religious and civil) because He is becoming a threat to their power.

Today’s chapter starts with familiar accounts (the exchange between Jesus and cousin John that we read yesterday). But I want to invite you to focus on the differences in Jesus’ tone in the second half of the chapter. He starts to speak publicly about the tragedy of the lack of response in the Jewish cities where most of His miracles took place.

Why might that be? Perhaps the people, torn between the clear promise of freedom in Jesus’ invitation to Kingdom life and the religious loyalty honed by centuries of Jewish tradition, chose caution and thus held back from major change in lifestyle and outlook.

Since the clarifying of Jesus’ teaching, the middle-ground people have started to draw back from Him. Yet the ones who know they are unqualified, undeserving and unable to meet the religious standards are those to whom the Father chooses to reveal Himself.

It is one of the paradoxes of the good news, that those who least deserve it get it the most!

Don’t let caution steal your inheritance. Now is the time to gratefully grasp the audacious offer of Jesus: YOU can be known and loved by God right now. No conditions, no pre-qualification, other than childlikeness.

I remember Christmas when my children were young. There was no hesitation on Christmas morning: they all rushed to the gifts to receive and celebrate what they had been given. Let’s be childlike today: what is your Father giving you right now?

Jesus says: “I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.”

Have a great day!



Day 30, Matthew 12:22-50


Day 28, Luke 7