Day 24, Matthew 5
Here is Matthew’s compilation of the core of Jesus’ teaching as heard in the sermon He gave on a hillside.
As with Luke’s version yesterday, we have a revolutionary manifesto that was radical and life-changing for Jesus’ hearers. And in the revealing of the heart of God’s desires for us (along with God’s wisdom for us to follow) Jesus tells us clearly that He’s not rejecting the former things, but brining them to perfection. What a powerful demonstration of God’s true heart! Even when we fall short (which is the definition of sin), God steps in to bring righteousness out of iniquity.
And when we follow Jesus’ instructions (such as love your enemies), we show God’s likeness in our own lives. This is only possible in and through Jesus. He is our forerunner, making a way back into God’s family for us.
God has impossibly high standards. The only way we can meet them is by being His kids.
We’ll read more from the sermon on the mount tomorrow, but for now, let’s reflect on God’s grace that welcomes us home.
Have a great day!