Day 19, Mark 2
It is interesting that we have reached chapter 9 in Matthew’s gospel, but only chapter 2 in Mark. A further sign of the different perspectives, purposes, and structures of these four accounts, yet all with one purpose: to reveal Jesus!
In Capernaum, where Matthew recorded that EVERYONE got healed, Mark colors in some fascinating detail on one of those healings. The paralyzed man is lowered into the midst of Jesus’ meeting by friends. Again, as in Matthew 9, we have the assurance of Jesus recorded: “son, your sins are forgiven.” This is easy to say, but hard to prove, and it certainly rubs religious leaders the wrong way, because their authority rests on only God forgiving sins, and only via the methods they control.
But in a culture where sin was assumed to be the reason for all sickness and suffering, it was important for the paralyzed man to hear this. God wants us to hear it clearly too: your sins are forgiven.
But of course, the scholars balk at this and Jesus shows His authority to forgive sin by also healing the man before their eyes. The crowd goes wild because they have never had this kind of hope before!
Mark fills the rest of this chapter with pearls of revelation that God intends us to experience a higher reality than using all our effort to get things right. Levi (Matthew) is right to invite all his outcast friends to meet Jesus, the disciples are right to not fast while the bridegroom is with them, it’s OK to snack on the sabbath if you are hungry. In other words, the old, taut, threadbare system of trying to please God is becoming irrelevant. Now the fire hydrant of life is here, and the Kingdom of God is becoming tangible!
What will God do today to reveal His Kingdom through you?
Have a great day!