Day 18, Matthew 9
On the rebound from the storm on the lake, and the storm of the demonized pigs, Jesus brings His disciples back to Capernaum (which was his ministry base). Here Matthew (the former tax-collector) adds some personal glimpses into his gospel and tells us about the hospitality he showed Jesus at his home, along with his friends - other wealthy outcasts of society.
He records how offended the religious elite were at this acceptance of sinners. With typical tax-collector accuracy, he tells us how Jesus responded to these self-righteous critics: “I have come to invite the outcasts of society and sinners, not those who think they are already on the right path.”
There’s a challenge for us there: how am I doing at inviting outcasts and sinners to come and meet Jesus with me?
And the rest of the chapter records more healings and even a resurrection from the dead. Jesus has no room in His ministry for self-righteousness, religious striving, or fear-producing grief. He has come as the first-born of a new way - the way of life, love, light and freedom.
Matthew was His companion as He traveled, and saw how Jesus was moved with compassion at the needs around Him. The needs may be different today, but the compassion of Jesus will also fill us if we open our eyes to see the enormous harvest of hurting, hungry souls surrounding us.
“The harvest is huge and ripe! But there are not enough harvesters to bring it all in. As you go, plead with the Owner of the Harvest to thrust out many more reapers to harvest his grain!”
The word translated thrust out is the same word used throughout the New Testament for casting out demons: God wants to catapult us into a massive harvest. Are you ready?
Have a great day!