Day 16, John 4
We have one more reading in John before returning to the other accounts in our approximately chronological journey through the gospels.
By contrast to Day 15, when we had two notable holy men interacting with Jesus, today we move to Samaria and meet a women with a checkered history. The reason for the change of location is that the religious leaders in Jerusalem have noticed that Jesus is more popular than John. Since these popular preachers are a threat to their power, they plan on arresting them, so Jesus leaves for Galilee, passing through despised Samaria on the way.
At the well, He meets a woman whose past is so repugnant (even in a place disdained for compromise and sin) that she can’t draw water with the other women. What will this rabbi do, when confronted with blatant wrongdoing?
He will offer fresh life to a sinner!
And He will continue to reveal God’s love and challenge ungodliness, even when shame causes her to seek to distract Him with questions of religious detail.
This is how Jesus operates: would you like an answer to your thirst? You need to recognize and admit the wrong ways you’ve tried to quench your thirst. Only then can you step into the spirit-life I have for you. I am the One you’ve been looking for all your life.
Result: the woman goes to everyone in her village and tells them about the life she’s found. Jesus is suddenly the answer to everyone’s hunger, and His followers become joyful harvest-gatherers.
Finally, when Jesus reaches His destination (Cana in Galilee), He heals the son of a Gentile leader, an outsider to faith, an occupying oppressor of the local people. We’ll read more about him from a different angle tomorrow. And all that is required is for the gentleman to believe what Jesus tells him! No journey to the sick boy, no laying on of hands, no special ceremony, no requirement on the official other than to go home trusting.
God’s love has no limits. Every human qualifies to have the life of God springing up powerfully from within (v14).
Have a great day!