Day 15, John 3
We continue in John’s gospel for our final reading of the week. But the theme changes to focus on two significant characters at this stage of Jesus’ ministry: Nicodemus and John the Baptizer.
Nicodemus is a highly respected teacher (Rabbi) in Israel and he comes to Jesus secretly with questions birthed from devotion to God and respect for the power Jesus clearly demonstrates. Jesus responds (as you would expect in John’s gospel) with significant and powerful sayings. “You must experience rebirth”. Nicodemus struggles to grasp the truths Jesus reveals, because they are so revolutionary to one steeped in the traditions of Judaism. Yet Jesus is not discarding those traditions, but opening them into their true significance. John 3:16 is still the most well-known verse in all Scripture because it illuminates the eternal truth that God created us and redeems us for the eternal purpose of embracing us, because God is love.
These exchanges bring light that darkness cannot extinguish, and we do well to let them shine brightly in our hearts. I love how this secret meeting is brought to life in The Chosen. Why not watch it (or rewatch it) today?
Secondly John’s account moves to the baptizer (also called John) who speaks truth publicly about himself and Jesus as clearly as Jesus Himself spoke privately to Nicodemus. Jesus’ cousin John knows his place, and knows the joy of seeing Jesus come in fulfillment of so many promises in scripture.
Notice that it is the love of the Father that causes Him to give ALL things into Jesus’ hands.
Love gives, and we receive. What a gift!
Have a great day!