Day 7, Matthew 3
God always prepares the way for His plan to be fulfilled. Years before these events, God saw to it that His Son would have a cousin to be his forerunner, fulfilling Malachi 4:5 (among many prophecies).
So John starts his ministry before Jesus, and quickly becomes famous for preaching a message of repentance in preparation for God’s coming kingdom. He pulls no punches in his condemnation of religious pretense, calling for living evidence of changed hearts.
Then, one day his cousin (who has no need to repent or change His heart) comes to John for baptism. Jesus is thirty years old at this time; the age when most sons would take over the family business and step into their inheritance as sons. But just as Jesus was barred from Bar Mitzvah, He likewise had no inheritance in the family business. He comes to John knowing it is time to become publicly visible, but also at the weakest point of his life so far.
John wants Jesus to baptize HIM, knowing that Jesus is the one for whom he has been preparing the way, but Jesus knows the symbolism of washing a sacrificial lamb, and tells John this will fulfill all righteousness.
And as Jesus comes up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descends on Him and the Father speaks affirmation based on identity rather than performance.
This is a great reset in humanity’s relationship with God. Jesus is the first human to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and to be declared in His identity as a son to the Father. Now those same liberating events are given to anyone who will receive them (John 1:12).
Have a great day!