Day 6, Luke 2:39-52
Our focus moves to a later event in Jesus’ childhood, at around the time He would have had his Bar Mitzvah if he had been a “legitimate” son under Jewish law. His devout parents take Him to Jerusalem from their home in Nazareth for the annual Passover festival. This year, Jesus stays in the Temple when His parents depart, and they don’t realize His absence until they have journeyed a full day toward home. Meanwhile, the learned teachers and other religious authorities are amazed at the wisdom and intelligence of this young man.
Imagine Mary’s heartache at losing God’s Son! No wonder she is worried sick. But Jesus reassures her that He had to be in His Father’s house. I wonder what Joseph thought of that?
Yet, Luke records that Mary treasured His words in her heart as Jesus returned to Nazareth and lived in obedience to them for the next 18 years. Truly the Son learned obedience through the things that He suffered (Hebrews 5:8), including being misunderstood at the time when He might have gained standing with the very leaders who would have Him crucified a mere two decades later.
How have you been misunderstood or unjustly accused? What opportunities have been taken from you by circumstances? God wants to teach you obedience through those experiences so that you too will grow in your experience of His love, and the favor with others that accompanies it.
Have a great day!