Day 200, Philippians 3
After the hymn of praise flowing from Jesus’ self-emptying love in Chapter Two, Paul turns to his own testimony that reflects the exhortations he is writing to them.
Don’t rely on self-righteous effort. Don’t allow laws and religious duties to steal your joyful freedom. Don’t boast in your outward “righteousness.” (What other traps do you see in this chapter?)
In contrast, live from the overflowing power of Jesus’ resurrection and suffer for Him willingly, knowing there is a reward of eternal life at the end of the race.
This is such a different lifestyle than that promoted by religious systems throughout history. It is full of willing sacrifice for others’ sakes. It is full of hope and trust, based on what God has already done, and it is full of joy.
Joy or rejoicing are mentioned almost twenty times in this relatively short letter. And joy flowing from the revelation of what Jesus has done is irrepressible. It didn’t stop when Paul and Silas were beaten and imprisoned in Philippi. It didn’t stop when Paul was writing this letter in jail. It doesn’t need to stop for you and me today.
Have a great day!