Day 199, Philippians 2
Paul began his letter with his imprisonment, and the encouragement to the Philippians to unite and be joyful in their sufferings. Chapter Two continues that theme by reminding them of how much they have been given in Christ: encouragement, comforting love, friendship with the Holy Spirit, and the experience of His affectionate mercy.
He then challenges them with this: “Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves. Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.”
Those exhortations are especially relevant (and challenging) in our day, just as they were in the thirty years after the resurrection. Paul then gives his primary exhortation: consider Jesus, and let His mindset become your motivation.
Then follows a famous poetic passage that may have been used as a hymn of praise in the early church. It is a vivid description of God’s self-emptying love that willingly seeks the lowest place and serves all. This willing servant is now the exalted Lord of all, and one day His name will be the victory cry of God’s eternal plan, acknowledged by all humanity and all creation. It is worth reading this section several times as you read this chapter!
Such a powerful demonstration of perfect love changes everything, including us! We are to be shining lights in a darkened world. Our unity, cheerfulness, and willing service cannot be argued against. If we reflect Jesus’ humble self-giving, God will also cause His Lordship to shine from our lives. The promise of verse 13 shows us so clearly how the good news of Jesus transforms our relationship with God: “God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases Him.”
Paul is pouring out his life like a drink offering - it appears so wasteful, yet it is the willing sacrifice of a grateful heart. We can do the same.
It’s a priority carried by Timothy, and Epaphroditus, who are currently with Paul, and Paul is sending them back (Epaphroditus first) as an example of how to live out this overflowing love with joy.
May the same be true for you and me today: pour your life out willingly as you rejoice in the overflowing love of Jesus!
Have a great day!