Day 197, Ephesians 6

Ephesians 6

Finally, Paul widens the application principles from married couples to children and parents, and then to working relationships. The common thread here is that there is a measure of authority in these relationships, and it is wrong to resent that (if you are the child or employee) or to abuse that (if you are the parent or employer). In every case, we follow the example set by Jesus. He is the Master of all, yet He serves and honors at all times. And God sees our actions as well as our motives, ensuring that we are rewarded for well-doing.

And the most important truths Paul has saved for last: we are victors in the battle of life, provided we are infused with Jesus’ strength through Holy Spirit’s presence. In light of this, we are protected in our fight against the accuser by the full armor God has provided for us. Much has been written about the armor of God, and it is not my place to reproduce it here, but I suggest you give yourself a few extra minutes today and meditate on these verses, allowing God to reinforce your armor and inspire you to pray at all times. Incidentally, “all times” is the Greek word kairos, meaning specific and significant moments, rather than “you have to be actively praying every minute of every day” - the heart of this is the victory we enjoy in Christ, and the invitation to apply and demonstrate that victory at every significant moment of our life. God is always listening to us, and dwelling in us to release prayer at any time (whether cognitively in English, or supernaturally in spiritual languages).

The letter is carried to the churches by Tychicus, who will share Paul’s fatherly mentoring with each group, bring news of Paul’s condition in prison, and prophesy over each local ekklesia to edify, encourage, and enlighten them.

You can do this whenever you meet with other believers: allow the Holy Spirit to overflow from you with wisdom, rhema, and encouragement.

Have a great day!



Day 198, Philippians 1


Day 196, Ephesians 5