Day 196, Ephesians 5
In chapter 4 we began to unpack the transformation that flows from the truths in the first three chapters of this universally relevant epistle. Today we challenge some more cultural and social mores by returning to the Creator’s design for us.
Firstly, the love of God will generate purity and worship in our hearts, leaving no room for greed, impurity or sexual immorality. Seeing God’s creation of humanity in His image rules out greed and obscenities, because God is the opposite of those corruptions. And since God created male and female and commanded them to be united in marriage, there is no place for redefining sex either. All these things have one purpose: to hinder the inheritance of God’s Kingdom.
Secondly, the light of God is our defense against the impurity Paul describes. Those who advocate or justify such things are as darkened in their rebellion as we all once were before we knew Jesus. Instead, we are to be light-bearers who reveal the deception with loving truth.
Thirdly, Paul equates wisdom and being filled with the Holy Spirit. This unites the early chapters of Proverbs with the power of the early chapters of Acts. God’s wisdom is His indwelling each believer. Holy Spirit in us is a fountain of scriptures, worship songs, and divine wisdom that overflows to those around us.
Finally, Paul describes how this transformation is expressed in relationships of mutual submission. Verse 21 commands us to support one another in love because we belong to Christ. The word hupotasso (supportive) is often translated submission. It means to step into place under someone or something. It is a choice made in love to support another, not a rule to be enforced by the one being supported. I agree with the footnote to verse 22 which makes clear that the text does not command wives to submit to their husbands. Instead, the sense throughout is that our reverence for Jesus overflows into our mutually supportive relationships, with marriage being the most obvious and continuous example. These practical instructions from Paul are beautiful in their reflection of the love of Jesus in our commitment to one another. It is a travesty that misogyny and religion have conspired to twist them into a tool of domination. May God grace us to truly lay down our lives for one another in love, just as Jesus did for us.
Have a great day!