Day 193, Ephesians 2

Ephesians 2

After the praise for God’s fullness in His children in Chapter 1, Paul turns and unveils that fullness in us more clearly today.

Originally we were hopeless, lost, corrupt. BUT now we are transformed in Christ to the extent that we even sit with Him on the throne at the right hand of the Father. Just as a monarch on a throne draws attention from those around, so we are the focal point of God’s demonstration of love to the world - as we live in our destiny and work with God to establish the Kingdom now.

Writing toGentiles (non-Jews), Paul is able to highlight the massive transformation the resurrection of Jesus has achieved: the readers have gone from far away and hopeless to embraced in Father God’s arms!

Part of the application of this glorious truth is that God has expanded the scope of His choosing as it applies to humanity. Initially He chose one man (Adam, then Abram), and increased that choice to one family, which became one nation, and one faith. Now God in Jesus has eliminated all barriers to knowing Him: the whole world is now welcome, not as guests or invited outsiders, but as family members, being built into an even bigger Temple, made with living stones.

You are a perfectly fitted stone in the Temple God is building. What not reach out to the living stones around you, remind them of this truth, and thank them for being there for you.

Have a great day!



Day 194, Ephesians 3


Day 192, Ephesians 1