Day 192, Ephesians 1
Today we open one of Paul’s most famous letters. Romans was his theological treatise, while Ephesians is perhaps his doctrinal summary. Every important theme of the gospel is embraced and expounded in these six chapters. Paul shows us that God is above all powers, that salvation is a gift of grace received by faith, that our identity as Christians is foundational and it leads to distinctive conduct. Paul also stresses our unity as believers. This is the only letter that does not conclude with personal greetings to specific people, indicating its application and value to us all. Shall we begin?
Firstly, notice that grace and peace (v2) is all-encompassing for the believer: grace is the whole heart and character of God given to us, and peace is much more than quiet or stillness: it is wholeness in every dimension of being. From that starting point, Paul unpacks our sonship - we are children of God, and Jesus (the Son) is our forerunner - we are sons as He is The Son. To confirm this eternal and transformative gift, we ar stamped with the Holy Spirit, as the letter we’ve just opened would have been sealed with a wax seal. It proves the authorship to see the distinctive stamp on the seal, and it proves that God is the source of our lives when we allow the Holy Spirit to be seen in us.
All this is so heart-warming that Paul goes off into prayer and praise, declaring the glory of Jesus and the power of God in His children. The light of God shines in us to transform us, and from us to show the world the way. We are called to be lighthouses of God’s presence, beaming love to a darkened world.
Our being filled, and filling the earth, completes Christ’s work and presence in history. What a beautiful mystery! We are filled with him, and we complete His commission until He returns.
Have a great day!