Day 177, Romans 16
We conclude Paul’s most significantly theological (and carefully structured) letter with a chapter of personal greetings, final instructions and a doxology (statement of praise to God).
Do not skip over these greetings: there are plentiful lessons for us here. Firstly, notice how many women are leaders in the Church, and how several are clearly stated to share the office of apostle. Paul cannot be read to restrict the ministry of women when he commends and praises women apostles and leaders! Also, the footnotes helpfully point out that many of those named are likely to have been slaves converted from paganism. The majority of these names are not Jewish! The Church is the great unifying instrument of God’s Kingdom: male and female, slave and royalty, Jew and Gentile alike.
The final instructions are poignant in light of what we have seen in the greetings. Paul urges them to watch for disunity through divisions and offenses. These have no place in the Body of Christ. And we do well to “become scholars of all that is good and beautiful, and stay pure and innocent when it comes to evil.” This is how God will defeat the enemy himself: through our pure focus on the beautiful goodness of Jesus!
The song of praise at the end of the letter repeats that thought: the good news of Jesus is powerful enough to keep us, and all people, in God’s love.
Have a great day!