Day 175, Romans 14

Romans 14

We are all in this together! In Chapter 13 we saw how the light of Jesus shines through the Body of Christ to defeat darkness in society. In Chapter 12 we learned about our individual uniqueness and each one’s place in the Body. Today Paul gives practical instructions to us for getting along in that Body.

Firstly, we choose not to debate areas which are simply opinions - instead allow each one to follow his or her conscience. “Each one must answer for himself and give a personal account of his own life before God.” If we applied that instruction fully, Facebook traffic would drop significantly!

And Paul goes on, a few verses later, to extend that further: “make it your top priority to live a life of peace with harmony in your relationships, eagerly seeking to strengthen and encourage one another.” Sadly, too many believers have been eager to correct, find fault, and judge others. This has not achieved the purported goal - to increase righteousness. And that is no surprise, because Jesus rejected that approach throughout HIs earthly ministry. In the end, the religious leaders had Him crucified for that very reason.

In the same way as Jesus willingly laid down His life for us, so we must humbly forsake any behaviors that would cause another to stumble. We keep our convictions, AND we willingly lay them aside when they will cause a brother or sister to wander off course.

How will that change how you behave in front of another person today?

Have a great day!



Day 176, Romans 15


Day 174, Romans 13