Day 102, Acts 5
We said yesterday that shortly we would see believers willing to lay down their lives for the sake of this new life in Christ. Today, by way of contrast, we see how seriously God takes this revolutionary sweeping away of human effort and human priorities. Ananias and Sapphire died, not because they didn’t give enough (nothing specific beyond the tithe was required) but because they lied to make themselves look good. They failed the honesty and humility test!
The same could be said of many of us. It is a rare believer who has never sought to look better than they ought!
Lying to God is a deadly business! It is the source of the original sin and the cause of satan’s rejection.
But, the more God moves (whether in healing or in cutting out the cancer of lying) the greater the impact on those watching. For the crowds there is invitation into this radical new life. For the established religious authorities there is the threat that their power will ebb further.
This time all the apostles are thrown in jail but they are released by an angel!
Notice how Peter speaks for them all again, contrasting the emptiness of the elite’s position with the powerful overflowing life of the Holy Spirit in the apostles: “We must listen to and obey God more than pleasing religious leaders. You had Jesus arrested and killed by crucifixion, but the God of our forefathers has raised him up. He’s the one God has exalted and seated at his right hand as our Savior and Champion. He is the provider of grace as the Redeemer of Israel. We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God freely gives to all who believe in him.”
Jesus is glorified when the Church suffers and demonstrates His presence with signs, wonders, and miracles.
Do it again Lord!
Have a great day!