Day 83, John 13
For the rest of this week, and into next, we will dive into John’s account of the day of the crucifixion. Passover Day begins at sundown (in the Jewish worldview) since the book of Genesis describes each day “there was evening, and there was morning.” The crucifixion took place on the day before Passover, when the lambs would be sacrificed for the Passover seder.
Chapter 13 starts with Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. John tells us that this demonstration of servant leadership took place when “Jesus was fully aware that the Father had placed all things under his control, for he had come from God and was about to go back to be with him.” In other words, this is an act of authority and a demonstration of God’s nature.
Beginning with this revelation, John will give us a detailed record of Jesus’ words and actions that deepen our experience of God’s heart.
The accuracy of John’s account comes from his proximity to Jesus, as the disciple Jesus loved (verse 23). From this viewpoint, John is party to knowledge that the others do not have, including the identity of Jesus’ betrayer and the moment his motivation was sealed. Once Judas has left, Jesus moves into His final address to his remaining eleven disciples. These last words are the most important summary of all that Jesus has taught and demonstrated in His three years of ministry. We will continue in this discourse for several more days, but today the key revelation is the commandment to love: “Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.”
It is our love for one another that will show we are true believers, when that love looks like the love Jesus has for us.
Have a great day!