Day 82, Luke 22
Today’s account by Luke is written for Gentile readers from the perspective of an historian who has researched the facts.
In keeping with this perspective, we can enjoy the greater level of detail Luke provides in his longer account. Notice how secrecy opens the door for the satan (accuser) to enter into Judas, in the same way as those who believe in Jesus enter into the Kingdom of God. It’s all a matter of belief: in God’s presence and Kingdom, or in human strategies and power. You can’t have both!
Also observe the cowardice of the man who will soon be the one to spark the birth of the Church with a powerful message on the Day of Pentecost. God transforms anyone who is willing. We’ll read that account in a couple of weeks.
Thirdly, don’t overlook the strength of Jesus’ responses to the Sanhedrin’s accusation and entrapment. He answers honestly and directly, but in ways that will bring conviction and repentance to some with the benefit of hindsight as the story unfolds.
Have no doubt: Jesus is Lord of this whole farcical travesty of justice. God’s plan is being fulfilled as it was prophesied (v37).
Have a great day!