Day 81, Mark 14
We begin the accounts of the sham trials and betrayals that bring Jesus to His death. Mark was the first gospel to be written and there is one specific indication of authenticity here that is not found elsewhere.
The young man who runs away is likely Mark, the author of the account!
This authenticating detail would be recognizable to his contemporaries, confirming the accuracy and authorship of this account.
As with every reading this week, we are going to need to guard against familiarity diluting the enormity of what Jesus does. There is rank injustice and brutal misuse of power, along with pride in position and fear of man. All these eruptions of the consequences of the Fall are plain to see, and yet Jesus will overcome them all with a surprising strategy of allowing His creation to reject and murder Him!
Today, and each day this week, allow your mind and heart to be touched and enlarged by the infinite love of our Savior and Lord as we read what evil men (including us) do to Him.
Have a great day!