Day 77, Luke 21
Today Luke brings us Jesus’ teachings on the last days.
Notice that the last days begin with the destruction of Jerusalem (in AD70). We are already living in the last days.
But there is more ahead too: Jesus will return suddenly and full transformation will be accomplished!
It is so tempting to read these verses and figure out to what each little detail refers, and thus decipher the timing and the sequence of what is still to come. But verse 35 makes clear to us that EVERYONE will be surprised by the return of Jesus. Thus anyone who thinks they have it all figured out will be trapped by their certainty (as verse 34 specifies).
The Jesus way is to watch over your inner being to maintain the warmth of love for Jesus and relationship with Him that makes you loving toward others. Then you won’t be caught out, even though His return will come as a surprise!
Have a great day!