Day 238, 3 John
The shortest of John’s three letters (in fact likely the shortest letter in the New Testament) has sobering practical advice.
Since we are children of LOVE, we show it with our lives. Our deeds and our hospitality demonstrate the love of God.
At that time there were those who traveled from place to place, evangelizing and praying for people. One way we can show God’s life is through hospitality. Consistently offering hospitality and giving support is a way we can display God’s kindness. When we support others who are demonstrating and describing the grace and glory of God, we share in their reward.
Unfortunately, there was one man in their congregation, Diotrephes, who wanted to be in charge, to prove his spirituality and dominate the whole flock. John is clear with them that this is evil, and counsels them to have nothing to do with it. Diotrephes has not seen God.
So we do well to observe and imitate what is good. Whatever looks like Jesus (in scripture and in others around us) we imitate. In this way we increase the brightness of the testimony of Jesus in a dark place.
Have a great day!