Day 237, 2 John

2 John

John’s first letter focused on worshipping Jesus, the source and embodiment of love and light.

Still writing to the same churches, suffering persecution and faced with the challenge of false teachers, John continues similar themes.

We know the truth, His name is Jesus, He is God, God is love, so we love one another.

False teachers distract from these central themes with their own perspectives. They refuse Christ, and the anointing He gives us by His Spirit. Instead they make money from human wisdom and logic.

If we live in the love of Jesus, both as a continual experience and as a way of life, then we will avoid such error.

Notice the circumspect greetings - no specific names (this is a group being persecuted) yet heartfelt thoughts and desires.

Have a great day!



Day 238, 3 John


Day 236, 1 John 5