Day 232, 1 John 1
For the remainder of the year we will be reading one writer: the Apostle John. We start with his three letters and then his revelation of Jesus.
From a young fishermen on the shore of Lake Galilee, to the apostle designated by Jesus to care for His mother, leader in the church in Ephesus, and finally an elder statesman of the Church exiled to the Island of Patmos, John’s long life spans much significant history.
Throughout, he is known as the disciple Jesus loved and so has much to impart to his readers about the love of God. This first letter is written in a style and form which parallels his gospel, and the focus is love.
This first chapter starts with the truth of Jesus: life-giving true expression of God. John (and many others) experienced Jesus. This is no mere theological treatise on love. Rather, it is a love letter written from powerful experience.
John’s experience can also be ours: the closer you get to Jesus, the brighter His light shines in your life and the more you receive forgiveness and freedom.
Have a great day!