Day 231, 2 Peter and Jude

2 Peter


Today we read two short letters with overlapping themes. Peter’s second letter, written shortly before his death, challenges false teachers infiltrating the church and focuses on the connection between how we live today and the soon coming of Jesus to end this world and usher in the eternal future. Jude (Judah), writing just a few years earlier, also challenges the false teaching that was pushing back against the truth received from the apostles after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Judah was one of Jesus’ brothers, while Peter was the disciple Jesus restored with the threefold question “Do you love me?”

They are united in their heartfelt and lifelong love for Jesus, and the consequent commitment to guard against anything contaminating the faith and hope believers share. Peter reminds his readers (in Western Turkey) that he is writing to stimulate a Christ-focused mindset. There will always be false prophets, but we don’t have to follow them. Judah also focuses on prophecy; the true prophecy of the apostles that we do well to hold faithfully. In these two letters, our guides exhort us to distinguish between the foundational truths that align with the teaching and example of Jesus, and the humanistic or religious aberrations that would lead us astray.

Jesus will return, all will be made new, the only delay is to allow us all to respond to the invitation to embrace Him.

Have a great day!



Day 232, 1 John 1


Day 230, 2 Timothy 4