Day 209, 1 Peter 1
At the same time as Paul was writing to churches he had planted with his ministry teams, and to apostolic apprentices like Timothy and Titus, Peter writes from Rome to encourage those who are being persecuted for their faith. This letter is a direct fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy in Luke 22: “I have prayed for you, Peter, that you would stay faithful to me no matter what comes. Remember this: after you have turned back to me and have been restored, make it your life mission to strengthen the faith of your brothers.”
Peter is a remarkable personality: a rough fisherman who almost simultaneously received a revelation that Jesus is the Messiah AND was deceived by satan to correct Jesus’ foretelling of his crucifixion! Later, this Jewish man receives a vision that prompts him to make the first Gentile convert (Cornelius) and now he is writing to Gentile believers in modern-day Turkey to encourage them in their suffering and show them the way to grow in God.
Peter’s readers have been scattered by persecution and could easily feel isolated or forgotten. But Peter sees them as “seed” and reminds them of their rebirth - the “sprouting” to new life that precedes great fruitfulness. He offers them the joy of salvation and life in Christ, to replace the sorrows of their suffering.
This Jewish leader is rooted in the scriptures and reminds his readers that all the prophets point to Jesus, and the salvation He revealed through suffering. In the same way, these persecuted believers can take joy in new life, even in the midst of trials. This paradox is the heart of the gospel, which angels have longed to see, and now Peter’s readers are experiencing! In all this, God’s plan is to make the believers like the Lord they love - to conform them to His likeness. Be holy as I am holy - a distinction from the world’s system that comes from God’s presence IN us.
Peter concludes his first chapter with these beautiful words: “Now, because of your obedience to the truth, you have purified your very souls, and this empowers you to be full of love for your fellow believers. So express this sincere love toward one another passionately and with a pure heart. For through the eternal and living Word of God you have been born again. And this “seed” that he planted within you can never be destroyed but will live and grow inside of you forever.”
Humanity is perishable, like grass that withers and dies at the end of a long, hot summer. But the Word of God is eternal, and He lives in you and me, as He did in Peter’s readers.
Have a great day!