Day 208, Titus


We have completed Paul’s first letter to his apostolic apprentice, Timothy, and today we read his letter to another spiritual son, Titus.

When Paul left Timothy in Ephesus, he went with Titus to Crete and left Titus there to establish the church.

This short letter has been divided into three chapters (the link is to the start of Chapter 1) but we will read the whole letter today.

There are many elements in common with Timothy’s letter: false teachers must be confronted and corrected, godly leaders must be appointed, and God’s grace must be the source and foundation of our lives.

If we could give this letter an overall theme it would be “Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk!”

The church is strengthened when God’s children live as true children of God. The world around us takes notice when we don’t just claim to be right, but we show God’s transforming power in our lives. Many believers today would do well to follow the wisdom of Paul in Chapter 3: “Remind people to respect their governmental leaders on every level as law-abiding citizens and to be ready to fulfill their civic duty. And remind them to never tear down anyone with their words or quarrel, but instead be considerate, humble, and courteous to everyone. For it wasn’t that long ago that we behaved foolishly in our stubborn disobedience. We were easily led astray as slaves to worldly passions and pleasures. We wasted our lives in doing evil, and with hateful jealousy we hated others.” And “Encourage the believers to be passionately devoted to beautiful works of righteousness by meeting the urgent needs of others and not be unfruitful.” Anyone who will not follow this wisdom is to be corrected (twice if necessary) and then shunned as an unnecessary distraction from Kingdom living.

These are the ways in which what God has done inside us touches the lives of those around us. We are to be known by our good works, not as the road to salvation, but the fruit of salvation!

What will those closest to you see in you today?

Have a great day!



Day 209, 1 Peter 1


Day 207, 1 Timothy 6