Day 45, Matthew 16

Matthew 16

So we finish our week back in Matthew’s gospel. And this is a powerful chapter that starts with further clarity on the hypocrisy of religion. As Jesus’ time on earth moves toward a conclusion, it is even more important to clearly distinguish between human effort and the gift of God, religion and the Kingdom. They are not relatives, they are enemies.

And everything rests on the revelation the Father gives Simon Peter: You are the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God.

Jubilation at this revealed truth causes Jesus to mention His Church. He only does this twice in the gospels so this is significant.

The Greek word is Ekklesia (Ekk-less-ia) and it refers to the governmental authority of the Greek and Roman Empires. A gathering of three or more citizens was an ekklesia, and had the authority of Rome. Thus the Church is any gathering of three or more followers of Jesus, authorized to exercise the kingdom of God.

Interestingly, right after this, Peter decides to correct Jesus for saying He will die and be raised to life, and Jesus rebukes him saying “get behind me you accuser” (literal translation).

Anyone can gain the life of heaven, by losing his or her own life and living in submission and obedience to Jesus. One day all this will become clear.

How will you prepare for this today?

Have a great day!



Day 46, Mark 8


Day 44, Mark 7