Day 44, Mark 7
We turn again to Mark for his account of the miracles Matthew described yesterday. Notice again, the speed of Mark’s account. “At once” is one of his favorite phrases!
Jesus is seen clearly as one who redefines clean and unclean. Foods are clean, so are foreigners who trust God!
Yet He is also closely focused on the individual: the conversation with the woman is full of personal touches and compassion. The deaf mute man is healed by touching and other physical gestures that help him to understand what Jesus is doing. No “standard method” for Jesus!
Even though we are well along in the three years of Jesus’ public ministry, people continue to be astonished at what He does. This is the hallmark of His earthly life: He can always do more than you think. And of course that is also the hallmark of His life at the right hand of the Father for eternity: there’s always more!
How will He surprise you today?
Have a great day!