March 8
March 8
Moses Finishes the Tabernacle -- The earthly tabernacle pictures God's heavenly tabernacle.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Exodus 40
Reading 2: Hebrews 8:1-10
Reading 3: Hebrews 9:1-15
Here is a wonderful chapter, ending the Exodus account, describing the presence of God in the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle was a vast visual aid, a model of heavenly truth, and a demonstration of God's presence with the people of Israel. This earthly structure represented those heavenly truths by reflecting an eternal reality.
For more on the symbolism of all the elements Moses set up, see an encyclopedia of the Bible, or this website.
The glory of God prevented Moses and the Israelites from coming close in that earthly Tabernacle, but our Lord Jesus has entered the heavenly Tabernacle as our High Priest, with the offering of His own blood, not just an animal sacrifice. In this way, the glory of God is now accessible to us through Him. So when we do wrong, we can come to Him for forgiveness, rather than holding back until we can be made clean.
May you see His glory and come into God's presence today (and every day).
Have a great day!