March 6
March 6
Moses & the Golden Calf -- Moses' absence for 40 days & Israel's idolatry.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Exodus 32
Reading 2: Psalm 106:19-23
Reading 3: Acts 7:37-43
Today we see the power of sin at work again in the people of Israel. Repeatedly they have turned their backs on God, like rebellious toddlers, yet God is patient with them and continues to reach out for them to turn to Him.
From our modern viewpoint, the story seems both brutal and reactive, but in a world where sin is rampant, yet the grace of God is not yet freely available in Jesus, these actions seem less extreme.
Our secondary readings, from Psalms and Acts, show that this is a most disappointing time in Israel's history, where disobedience and weak leadership combined to harm many, but Moses showed true leadership, unwavering commitment to God, and determination to see God's purposes fulfilled.
We are beneficiaries of Moses' dedication!
Have a great day.