December 27

December 27

Revelation & the Final Judgment -- God will judge people by the perfect standard of Jesus

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Revelation 20:11-13

Reading 2: Romans 2:1-16

Reading 3: Romans 3:9-26

When the final judgment comes, the whole truth about everyone will be known. BUT because God will judge everyone by the perfect standard of Jesus, only those outside of Jesus will be compared to His perfection. All who believe in Jesus are included in Him, and appear before God in the perfection of Jesus. As Paul writes to the Romans: "People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood."

So on that day, when the Book of Life is opened alongside all the other record books of people's lives, it is the Book of Life which will over-rule. All who have trusted Jesus will no longer be judged for their sins - they are covered by His blood!

Have a great day!



Invite a friend (or three)!


December 26