December 26

December 26.

Revelation & the Millennium -- Jesus Christ will reign on earth after His return

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Revelation 20:1-10

Reading 2: Zechariah 14:16-21

Reading 3: Luke 19:11-27

Yesterday we celebrated the birth of Jesus and His coming victory over all evil. Today we read more detail of that victory. Jesus reigns on earth for a thousand years while satan is bound and powerless. Then satan will be released to deceive the nations into fighting against God one last time.

In that battle, fire from heaven consumes those who have come to fight against God. A purifying act that signifies the end of all opposition to God's rule. Then satan is thrown into the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet. As eternal beings they suffer there forever.

By contrast, Jesus describes how those who faithfully steward the gifts He has given them will be presented with rewards in heaven. As we look forward to a new year, why not take a moment to review how God has gifted you, and ask Him how you can best use those gifts in the year ahead?

Have a great day!



December 27


December 25