December 5

December 5

Paul -- Journey #2 (Derbe) -- The story of Paul & Timothy (as spiritual parent & child).

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Acts 16:1-5

Reading 2: 2 Timothy 1:1-14

Reading 3: Philippians 2:19-24

Yesterday we saw Barnabas and John Mark going to Cyprus, after the disagreement that caused Paul and Barnabas to separate. Today we see that Paul goes to Derbe and Lystra (map here) where he meets a young believer called Timothy.

Timothy becomes a spiritual son to Paul, and their lives are intertwined to produce much Kingdom fruit.

Who are your fathers and mothers in the faith? Why not thank God for them today? You wouldn't be who you are without their influence and example. Maybe you can thank them too?!

Have a great day!



December 6


December 4