December 4
December 4
Paul -- Journey #2 (Paul & Barnabas Split Up) -- John Mark quits & learns not to quit.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Acts 15:36-41
Reading 2: Colossians 4:10-11
Reading 3: 2 Timothy 4:9-18
Have you ever been in a sharp disagreement? It can be very painful and lead to all kinds of negative consequences. It is refreshing to see that even the leaders of the early church could have such sharp disagreements. Paul does not trust John Mark in Acts 15, because he remembers the disloyalty of Mark's sudden departure from them in Pamphylia. But Barnabas (who it turns out is Mark's cousin) wants him to have another chance. Barnabas is being true to his character as the "son of encouragement” but it is not enough to prevent these two top-level leaders splitting up and going their separate ways.
Barnabas goes to Cyprus (his homeland) while Paul goes to Syria.
Later we read that Paul's view of John Mark has changed, because he writes to the Colossians to welcome Mark if he comes to them, and toward the end of Paul's life he describes Mark as "useful to my ministry."
You can read more about Mark here.
And don't despair if you have experienced a sharp disagreement, rupturing a friendship and causing parted journeys. God is able to take such human occurrences and bring much good from them - what has He done in your life in that vein?
Have a great day!