December 1

December 1

Paul -- Journey #1 (Iconium, Lystra, Derbe) -- Paul's miracles, message, & suffering.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Acts 14

Reading 2: 2 Timothy 3:10-13

Reading 3: Romans 15:15-21

As the gospel spreads, the power of God is seen more and more. A primary way is through the suffering of the apostles - as they travel, wherever they go there is opposition from the Jews and some Gentiles too. As they are stoned, or beaten, the apostles move on to the next city, leaving many believers in their wake. It is a powerful evangelistic message to see someone suffering willingly for the privilege of sharing the good news!

Today we seldom face such opposition, yet we also have less impact. I am not advocating starting fights, but we can ask God to make us bold!

Have a great day!



December 2


November 30