November 29

November 29

Paul -- Antioch -- A new church plant, sending relief to Jerusalem, & being good stewards.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Acts 11:19-30

Reading 2: Acts 12:25

Reading 3: 1 Peter 4:7-11

Saul went to his hometown of Tarsus after his conversion - he was too well-known a persecutor of Christians to have a fruitful ministry immediately after his conversion. But Barnabas did not forget the new convert; when he was sent to Antioch to encourage the new church there, he went on to Tarsus to look for Saul.

Bringing Saul back, the two men led the church in Antioch for a year, until they are sent back to Jerusalem with an offering to help with the famine relief in Jerusalem.

These men are led by God to fulfill their calling and to help many others grow in faith, just as Peter instructs in our third reading today. You and I can expect to be used in the same way - if we are attentive and obedient to the Holy Spirit.

Have a great day!



November 30


November 28