November 28
November 28
Paul -- Salvation -- Saul (later known as "Paul") persecutes the church & meets Jesus.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Acts 8:1-3
Reading 2: Acts 9:1-31
Reading 3: Galatians 1:10-24
Yesterday we saw the "God is in control" humor of Peter's miraculous escape from jail, today the humor continues but we change focus to Saul (Paul).
Saul was an over-achiever when it came to persecuting Christians. He would have been at home in ISIS. But God was more powerful than Saul. Knocking him to the ground and making him temporarily blind, God got the attention of this headstrong firebrand!
Imagine Ananias' hesitation when God told him to go pray for Saul. That was surely not God speaking? Thankfully he obeyed and Saul goes on to be the foremost apostle to the Gentiles and to write a majority of the New Testament letters.
What will God do with you?!
Have a great day!