November 16
November 16Jesus' Resurrection -- Jesus proves His resurrection over 40 days.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: John 21
Reading 2: Acts 1:1-4
Reading 3: 1 Corinthians 15:1-9
We celebrated the resurrection in our readings yesterday, and today we see the personal touches that exemplify Jesus' dealings with His followers. He treats each one uniquely, as befits the individual purpose for which each of us is created.
Peter (who denied Jesus three times) is restored by the threefold question "Do you love me?" The confused, discouraged disciples, who have not yet received the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and lead them, are shown a miracle so similar to the one which accompanied their original calling that they are strengthened in their faith and made certain that He is alive, whether they see Him with them or not.
And John finishes his gospel account with a clarification of the rumor that he would not die before Jesus returned. This is an eyewitness we can trust - he gives us authenticating details that don't benefit him but show a knowledge of the facts that corroborates what others reported.
You can be certain of several things today: Jesus is alive, your failures are not an obstacle to God's purpose for you, and Jesus has a unique purpose for your life.
Have a great day!