November 15
November 15
Jesus' Resurrection -- Jesus appears repeatedly to His unbelieving disciples.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Matthew 28
Reading 2: Luke 24:13-53
Reading 3: John 20:19-31
Yesterday we saw the turnaround for the women as they realized the truth that Jesus was alive. Today we see more accounts of those who had trouble understanding and believing what they had been told in advance would happen.
We see fear, sadness, doubt, and skepticism in these reports, along with deception and bribery on the part of those who had the most to lose. But these things are written down so that you and I (and anyone else with an open mind) can "believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name." (John 20).
For us who believe, Jesus has a simple instruction: go make followers!
Who will follow you as you believe today?
Have a great day!
PS: If you would like to see a chronology of the events around the resurrection, compiled from the four gospels and other New Testament accounts, you can check out this listing or this more extensive article.