Day 126, 1 Thessalonians 1
In our last reading we saw how Paul and his team preached in Thessalonica on their journey. Initially things went well, and some Jews accepted his message, with many Greeks and a significant number of leading women. But a majority of the Jews got jealous, twisting Paul’s words and opposing what God is doing.
Let’s remember that a lack of opposition is just as likely to indicate we have strayed from God’s purpose as it is to show God is with us! In our next five readings we will delve into Paul’s first epistle (letter) to this new church.
First we see the term Paul uses for this group: ekklesia means called out and called together. in other words these believers are called to be different now they believe, and are called to come together as a force for change. The same is true today: church is not a building or a service, but a gathering together of those called by God to stand out from the society around them. Solitary saints are an oxymoron: if you are not deepening connection with those with whom God has called you out, you may not yet be called at all.
Secondly, we see how Paul and his team lived and witnessed transparently with these new believers. No security detail or platform party green room here: just lives wide open and visible to those around: attractively shining the light of the Kingdom through daily relationships. And those relationships were familiar with suffering and opposition - both the apostolic team planting the church and the new believers called out to populate it. The Jews were full of rage and persecution was a reality.
The key to thriving while surviving was (and still is) the fulness of the Holy Spirit. Whatever trails you are facing, God wants to so fill you that you cannot contain His presence! Whether it is in heavenly praise through speaking in tongues, supernatural joy despite hardship, or bold witness amidst opposition, God’s indwelling Spirit MUST overflow in our lives. And such overflowing faith and love becomes famous. This church is growing, not by carefully orchestrated invitation schemes, or by stadium-filling events, but by the simple fact that they overflow with God’s supernatural life: joyfully enduring hardships and generously welcoming those who come. This welcome for strangers leads them into an eager anticipation for the promised return of Jesus too.
So how are we doing in the overflowing area? And how does God want to increase His presence in you and me today?
Have a great day!