Day 122, Galatians 4

Galatians 4

In Chapter 3 we saw how the scaffolding of the Law (erected around the promise of salvation) has been dismantled from the living Temple of God’s presence - the Body of Christ. Now we can see the beautiful workmanship and breathtaking beauty of the Bride of Christ.

Today, Paul challenges further those who would promote Law as the way of salvation. He contrasts slaves (to Law) with sons* (of promise). Young sons are no different to slaves - unable to exercise freedom. The implication is that the Jewish nation was this young son. But at the time set by the Father, the son becomes the heir (verse 5). This is a very different picture to our Western understanding of inheritance. Here you have to wait for your father to die before inheriting. Here adoption is a replacement for the birth family (either restoring parents who have been lost, or providing a child who was not conceived). The Greek word Paul uses in verse 5 is huiothesia which we translate as adoption. A better translation would be ‘placement as sons’ because it indicates the point in time where the father brings the son into his inheritance, freeing him from guardians, and giving him liberty as a mature son in the house.

Paul develops that idea through the rest of the chapter, demonstrating his heart as a father to them, and his desire for them to enjoy the freedom of their promised inheritance, free from the slavery of the Law, typified by Mount Sinai, where the Law was given.

You and I are free to enjoy our position as sons and daughters of God, with the full inheritance of Jesus, our brother.

* Note: sons here are denoted by the noun huios which is a masculine noun, but it has a broader meaning than simply a boy child. It denotes the line of descendance and conveys the meaning of being parented. In other words it is a relational term more than a physiological one, including male and female believers.

Have a great day!



Day 123, Galatians 5


Day 121, Galatians 3