Day 13, John 1:15-51

John 1:15-51

We began our readings with the majority of John’s prologue to his gospel. Now we return to read the initial stages of the life of Jesus from John’s account.

Remember John’s purpose in writing is different to the other three gospel writers. Thus his style and content also differs from much of what we have read. John shows us Jesus as God; the perspective is divinity and eternity. John writes using pithy sayings as the framework of his account (the style is called Epigrammatic). He’s less concerned with the chronology and the factual detail than with the eternal significance and supernatural impact.

However, this does not mean his account is inaccurate or untrustworthy. On the contrary, the diversity of accounts in the gospels lends depth and credibility to these historical documents. The texts we read are inspired by God, but they are also collected, edited, and recorded by human beings. we have to remember all these things as we read.

(I recommend Michael F Bird’s excellent little book “Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew About the Bible” for further reading on the historicity, authenticity, and inspiration of scripture).

Beginning with John the Baptist’s testimony about his cousin Jesus (“He’s the One!”), John the evangelist goes on to record a string of sayings that shed light on Jesus’ divinity and mission. As you read, see which ones stand out to you. In particular, see the way that relationships are the connections for words of life to impact lives. Andrew tells Simon, Philip tells Nathanael, and Jesus speaks life-changing words to both Simon Peter and Nathanael as they accept the invitation to “come and see”.

Be a “come and see” person today, inviting friends into relationship with you and Jesus, rather than just pressing for obedience to truths or requirements.

Have a great day!



Day 14, John 2


Day 12, Luke 5