Day 10, Matthew 4
Matthew now takes us into the wilderness with Jesus. Again we are seeing greater detail than Mark gives in his gospel.
Just as Israel was tested for 40 years in the wilderness, so Jesus now endures 40 days of testing. The enemy is described as the accuser here: always throwing accusation at Jesus, attempting to distract Him from truth. But Jesus uses truth to contradict and confound the slander of the liar.
At every step, Jesus refuses to take matters into His own hands. He has learned submission to His Father and is willing to identify fully with us in our subjection to the same lies. In doing this He offers us a way out.
After the victory over lies, Jesus begins His ministry in Galilee. not in His hometown of Nazareth, but in the lakeside city of Capernaum. His purpose is to recruit fishermen to fish for men. in doing this He fulfills prophecy written many years earlier.
His message is simple: come back to God, because God’s presence is now accessible. That sounds simple and almost commonplace to us, but it was a truly revolutionary message to His hearers. They had been conditioned by centuries of religious training to earn their place with God, yet also experienced many years of suffering and oppression through the inability of their leaders to keep God’s instructions. They needed a Savior and gladly embraced Him.
Will you join the massive crowds drawn to the promise of relationship with God? There is freedom and provision in His family.
Have a great day!