Day 3, Matthew 1

Matthew 1

Our third gospel brings another change of perspective and structure. Matthew writes for a Jewish audience and his style is that of a preacher. While John shows us Jesus as God, and Luke shows him as man, Matthew shows Jesus as King. Thus he begins with a clear genealogy placing Jesus in the royal line of Israel.

Matthew also introduces the supernatural and angelic interactions that led Joseph to marry Mary, although their marriage was not consummated until after the birth of Jesus.

Today’s reading adds further depth to the perspectives we have already read, broadening our revelation of this miracle: God becoming human and living among us.

Imagine as you read: how would you feel, knowing your ancestry sets you apart?

Reflect also on how you might respond to the encounter between Joseph and the angel, if that were you?

When God is at work, we often feel challenged and stretched!

Have a great day!



Day 4, Luke 2:1-40


Day 2, Luke 1