Day 1, John 1:1-14
John’s prologue is his connection to all that has gone before.
The history of God’s dealing with humanity, from creation to redemption, culminating in the incarnation, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus.
In order to set his gospel in the eternal context, the disciple Jesus loved roots us into the whole of scripture, with an introduction that takes us back to the opening words of Genesis 1.
In the beginning: (Greek: En arche) means the origin, the initial starting point, the big bang (if you wish), the point where time began. But it can also be translated as the one who is preeminent - who precedes everything. John is introducing the life of Jesus with a divine resume: the pre-eminent one is the source of all life and creation.
The Living Expression (Greek: logos): a word conveying the expression of a thought; the embodiment of an idea. Jesus IS the Word of God, the sound of the voice of the eternal saying “Let there be…”
He was with God, and was God. Father and Son together expressing eternal divine community in the Holy Spirit before humanity was initiated. They were together (the Greek means “toward” or face-to-face) from the origin (i.e. before time).
We can never hope to fully comprehend these verses, and we will never exhaust the depth of revelation they carry.
Meditate on these verses and allow Father, Son and Holy Spirit to embrace you afresh! The journey is just beginning, but its source is infinitely good and loving.
Have a great day!