Day 190, Colossians 4

Colossians 4

Yesterday, Paul exhorted the believers in Colossae to let the transformation wrought by the supremacy of Christ bring them to maturity and be seen in their daily relationships.

Today the picture widens to the conclusion of the letter, as Paul exhorts them to demonstrate God’s wisdom in their daily actions, as well as their words. It is our duty and our honor to make Jesus known by our lifestyle and our Christlike speech. Would that believers today would take that to heart and live out Paul’s command!

As the letter concludes, notice the breadth of Paul’s companions sending greetings to this church. There are Jews and Gentiles, men and women, slave and free. The group includes Mark (who Paul had previously rejected for apparent lack of commitment in Acts 13). Luke is also mentioned. And Paul asks that the letter be shared with the church in Laodicea.

The Body of Christ is the most diverse expression of unity in history, and God’s purpose is that we all encourage and benefit one another with our obedience to Christ and our love for one another.

Have a great day!



Day 191, Philemon


Day 189, Colossians 3