Day 187, Colossians 1

Colossians 1

Paul is a prisoner in Rome, but he has a good deal of freedom to receive visitors and hear news of the churches around the Roman world. This letter is written to a church he did not plant, nor did he visit as far as we know. The church in Colossae probably started out of Paul’s work in Ephesus, where many converts fanned out to surrounding cities and areas with the gospel. Epaphras was the church planter in the valley where Colossae is located, and likely he started the church, possibly in the house of Philemon, and now he has brought news back to Paul about how the church is doing.

False teaching was already becoming a challenge to the young churches, and Paul writes to guard them against deception and compromise by focusing their hearts on the supremacy of Jesus.

Beginning with a short statement of his own qualification and calling, Paul goes on to describe both his constant prayer for them, and the centrality of their inheritance in Christ. Then he writes in depth about the Supremacy of Jesus, as well as the good news that this perfect Jesus has reunited them with God.

This fact might be obscured by suffering, such as they and Paul share, but the truth is that even in suffering, Paul experiences Jesus living in him. This can be their experience too, and the same applies to you and me.

“For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ. And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent.”

May that restoration continue for you today, as it did for the brothers and sisters in Colossae.

Have a great day!



Day 188, Colossians 2


Day 186, Acts 28