Day 181, Acts 23
In our previous reading we saw the challenges faced by the Roman Commander in Jerusalem, navigating the chaotic mob seeking to silence Paul. Today, Paul is brought before the Jewish Council in an attempt for the Commander to discern the reason for the unrest.
This is a great opportunity for Paul to challenge the stronghold of religion that the Council represents. There are actually three discordant factions in the Council, united by their hatred of Jesus and His followers. The Essenes were mystical, apocalyptic, and devoted to the written scrolls of scripture, the Sadducees were philosophically opposed to the supernatural and preferred to cultivate political influence, and the Pharisees kept the Law strictly and believed in resurrection and spirits.
Paul begins by declaring his allegiance to the Lord indirectly, saying “I have lived my life before God with a clear conscience.” In other words, “God has approved of every chapter of my life, including the part where I appeared to betray Judaism by changing sides to follow Jesus.”
This prompts the High Priest to have Paul struck, and Paul responds explosively to expose the hypocrisy of that action. When told he has insulted the High Priest, he explains he did not know his identity. Notice how religion turns to violence when threatened, and also that Paul would have obeyed the Law rather than break it, had he known the man was the High Priest.
Then Paul uses the divisions in the Council to continue his defense, declaring himself to be a Pharisee (separated one). The ensuing chaos prompts the commander to have Paul rescued from the melee and returned to the headquarters, where Jesus appears to him to give him courage, telling him he will also testify in Rome.
Then Paul’s nephew discovers the plot to kill Paul under pretext of having him appear before the Council a second time; reporting this to Paul and the Commander results in Paul being sent to Governor Felix in Caesarea. We noted in our previous reading that political power, religious power, and God’s Kingdom are three different realms, and here is further demonstration of their separation.
With heavy Roman guard, Paul is brought safely out of Jerusalem and delivered to Felix. We will hear his next opportunity to testify to the resurrection of Jesus in our next reading.
Have a great day!