Day 166, Romans 5
We have already begun to shift focus, with Paul, from sin and Law to salvation by faith, and today we move into salvation and faith fully in chapter 5.
As you read today, underline or highlight the qualities salvation promises and delivers to us: peace, confidence, hope, endurance, reconciled, rescued, joy. All these words stood out to me as I read this chapter. What others do you see?
All this is a gift to us because Jesus came, lived, died, and rose again!
The second half of the chapter compares how things used to be (sin and death as a result of Adam’s sin) with how things are now (acquitted and given perfect righteousness as a result of Jesus Christ’s gift).
What a contrast! And Paul notes it was all achieved through obedience. So the opportunity for us today is to obey God just as Jesus did; not to earn anything, but because it’s already been given.
Have a great day!